Monday, 10 January 2011

Drinking Cold Water After Exercising Is Good

There have been myths saying that people should drink cold water after exercisingbecause it can be dangerous. There’s no harm in drinking ice-cold water when you exercise. In fact, cold fluids empty from the stomach faster than warm ones, so they’re faster at replacing water lost through sweating.
Drinking Cold Water After Exercising Is Good
Drinking Cold Water After Exercising Is Good
That “can have an immediate effect of cooling off the body’s core” during exercise, says William Evans, PhD, director of the Nutrition, Metabolism, and Exercise Laboratory at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. American College of Sports Medicine also recommend to consume cold water or other cold drinks during or after exercising.
Water palatability is influenced by several factors including temperature and flavoring.While most individuals prefer cool water, the preferred water temperature is influenced by cultural and learned behaviors. The most pleasurable water temperature during recovery from exercise was 5C, although when water was ingested in large quantities, a temperature of ~15-21C was preferred.
It is therefore reasonable to expect that the effect of flavoring and water temperature should increase fluid consumption during exercise, although there is insufficient evidence to support this hypothesis. During and after exercising, a person would want toimmediately replace body fluids which are lost through sweat. Therefore, consuming cold water and cold sports drinks are preferred.
During and after doing heavy physical exercise, the body is in a state high metabolic activity and the various activities going on in the body life Carbohydrate and Fat burning, increased blood supply to the Muscular tissue, then higher heart rate supply and high side contractions of the stomach and other hollow organs is at a faster rate and after exercises it gradually comes down and can take nearly twenty minutes to half hour to calm down.
people should drink cool water after exercising
people should drink cool water after exercising
But there are temperature limits. Do not drink water that is too cold. How cold is the temperature of  the water which is recommended? Cold water meant here is a cool water and ideal for consumption, having a temperature of about 15 degrees Celsius or 59 degrees Fahrenheit.
This condition is the same with a glass of water added with 2-3 ice cubes. So cold water meant here is not very cold water which comes from the freezer. The need to consume water while exercising is important and indispensable. Because when we do those activities, the body release more fluid than usual through perspiration.
The best indicator on whether your body is getting enough water is urine color. If your urine is dark yellow, chances are you’re not getting enough water. If you pass clear to very light colored yellow urine, your fluid intake is adequate. Remember that urine color in the morning will always be a little darker. Another indicator is thirst.

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