Apples Reduces The Risk Of Asthma In Infants and children. You’re pregnant? If so, you must eating more apples. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Ancient expression that always it’s not just the actual words.
A proven fat-free apple, sodium and cholesterol, as well as having a high fiber content. Not only that, apples also contain antioxidants that improve immune function so that it can ward off heart disease and some cancers.
Asthma or Asthma is a condition where the airways are narrowed (temporarily) because of hyperactivity of certain stimuli, which cause inflammation. This narrowing can be triggered by various stimuli, such as pollen, dust, animal dander, smoke, cold air and exercise, this constriction is temporary.
Asthma disease occur most commonly in children and potentially disrupt the growth and development of children. Allergies can affect all organs and bodily functions without exception. Initial symptoms in children can include itching in the chest or neck. Dry cough at night or during sports could also be the only symptom. Asthma is not curable and there are drugs that currently serve only relieve symptoms. However, by controlling asthma, asthma sufferers can be free from asthma symptoms that interfere.
Research experts from the University of Aberdeen, UK is quite surprising. Pregnant women who eat four or more apples a week, then the risk of children had asthma, 50 percent lower than children whose mothers consumed only one or less fruit apples every week. The results of this research were presented at the conference of American Thoracic Society, recently. So far, the experts can not explain how the apple could produce such benefits.
Similarly, according to Dr. Peter Burney, the content of phytochemicals in apples called flavonoids and phenolic acids such as who was instrumental in reducing inflammation in the airways so that a child’s body to avoid a respiratory disease and asthma.
Flavonid substances in apples may reduce the risk of provenlung cancer, health diseases – lung up to 50%. While research from Cornell University in the U.S. found that phytochemical substances in apple skin to prevent colon cancer by 43%. Smokers by experts are encouraged to consume lots of apples.
This is because apples are rich in flavonoids and quercetin, can help prevent damage to blood vessel walls caused by tobacco. Moreover, in Chinese medicine, the apple has a cooling effect for the lungs.
An apple contains some vitamins namely, vitamin A (74IU), B Thiamin (04 mg), Niacin (15 mg), C Absorbic acid (8 mg) and Riboflavin (03 mg). Also various kinds of minerals, like calcium (10 mg), Phosphorus (100 mg), Iron (45 mg), Potassium (159 mg) and magnesium (12 mg).
High content of quercetin in the apple mentioned can increase antioxidant activity in blood. This can reduce LDL cholesterol levels that can damage the blood flow, people who consume a lower risk of getting heart disease and stroke.
Most likely the ability of powerful lungs of mothers has declined and descended on the baby, just as the immune effects against certain diseases.
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