Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Why Body Need Detox

There are many books on Detox Diet on the market that theorize that chemicals found in food can poison the body system, so why body need some detox?. Despite the progress made in conventional medicine very rapidly, public health continued to deteriorate throughout the world. can say that in general, the disease has mastered this man now. try you see in the hospital, every day so many people huddled in line to get health care because they are sick. common example of pain right now:
Detox Your Body for a healthier life* Chronic pain,
* Fatigue,
* Indigestion,
* Insomnia,
* Hypertension,
* Cancer
* Alzheimers
* Chronic lower respiratory diseases
* A heart attack,
* Stroke
* Diabetes.
The disease is rare in the past, they are now commonplace, even among young people. Quality of life is a lot of people has deteriorated. If you felt it was too long diet ofunhealthy foods, fast food and alcohol, or if your body feels tired, lethargic and bloated, maybe it’s good to detox.
In this way, the disposal circulation will become more regular. Liver and kidney function will be better. The skin also becomes more clean and smooth. Hormonal imbalances, stress, and other inflammatory conditions can be reduced. After years of contamination of different body of pollution which comes from drinks, food, air quality, it is fitting for us to do detoxification. Beginning of a complete detoxification program should last for a whole month.
you should detox your body with a detox diet
Detoxification (detox) is the expenditure process toxins or substances which are toxic from the body. Fasting is one effective method of detoxification. Cleansing and detox enhance the natural process of spending toxin in our body. Vital organs are targeted by the toxins in an effective cleaning program is the large intestine (expenditure) and liver (detoxification).
Almost all degenerative diseases can be associated with poisoning condition in the intestinal tract (intestinal toxemia). Why? Because every tissue in the body to get food from the blood, and blood to get from the intestines. Any substance that enters the body we will be absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal walls.
That is, a toxin that is the gut will also be circulated with the flow of blood to cells throughout our bodies. These toxins contribute occurrence of various chronic disease conditions, acute, and degenerative diseases. So also decrease energy levels and premature aging.

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Body Cleanse Instantly Impropves Your Health

Body cleanse instantly impropves our health, Toxins and pollutants is very difficult, even impossible, to be destroyed by our body, so that eventually our bodies these substances accumulate faster than the ability to eliminating it.
Long-term effects of the accumulation of toxic substances is an alarming health experts like Dr. Elson Haas, MD, director of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin in San Rafael, California and author of The Detox Diet (Celestial Arts, 1996), and Andrew Weil, MD, a practitioner of alternative medicine and author of spiritual-Spontaneous Healing (Fawcett Columbine, 1995 ).
How to Do a Natural Body CleanseHealth complaints caused by, among others, such as headaches, gastrointestinal disturbances, vomiting, weakness, dizziness, fatigue, sore muscles and joints, and depression. More serious reaction from the long-term accumulation of toxic substances in our bodies, including cancer and heart disease.
Nutrition able to keep the body in various ways to help eliminate toxins. One way to keep the body in order to stay healthy is with fruit and vegetable juice therapy.
Has long been known that fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that can alter the body’s cells become security to fight free radicals cause aging. For some people diet and lifestyle changes is easier said than done.
Indeed, free radicals can help to destroy the infection efficiently, but sometimes can not be controlled in the body, and can attack the body’s cells. As a result, the cells were dead bodies. Own antioxidant function to prevent the development of free radicals in the body while improving the body’s cells are damaged. That is why, antioxidants help prevent premature aging.
Detoxification also means a change of lifestyle. The way we live determines our health and the extent to which the liver is able to process toxins. There are many detoxification programs, but they differ in purpose and effect.
Some work only in the intestine, liver and blood cleaned and others that support kidney function or skin. When the body can remove toxins, energy and vitality will return. Many ways to detox or body Cleanse, increasingly depends on us, the time available or the amount of money if you find practical.
Detoxification is essential for good health. When our bodies are not able to rid themselves of toxins every day, we will die. Because of our current environment is very toxic, there is stress on our hearts by many poisons the body cope with every day. The body naturally remove and neutralize toxins through detoxification. Detox is the process of removing the toxins in the body through urine, breath, feces, and sweat by using the four main organs, liver, kidneys, digestive tract, and skin.
body cleanse instantly impropves your health
Now, through the detox process is how we can optimize the expenditure of toxins from our bodies. Effect of optimal detox is very unusual: Your body will digest food better, your skin will become more luminous, backache, joints or other chronic pain will disappear and the vitality and energy you also will increase.

Monday, 26 October 2009

8 Simple Tips To Cure Bad Breath Or halitosis

Many people think that bad breath is mostly caused by diseases originating from the stomach or the digestive tract (the nature of the body). But the fact is one cause of bad breath is a condition in your own mouth, like the food that you consume, and how often you clean the teeth, gums and your tongue. The Causes and Prevention of Bad Breath
The Causes and Prevention of Bad Breath or HalitosisMouth odor can be prevented or reduced, if:
1. Check to see a dentist regularly, at least twice a year. Your dentist will check and clean your teeth professionally and be able to detect periodontal disease, dry mouth, or other health problems caused by bad breath.
2. Avoid excessive selenium consumed. U.S. Medical Association Journal (The Journal of the American Medical Association) states that the too frequent use of selenium can cause halitosis. Selenium sulfide is used to treat dandruff. This chemical is also found in some lipsticks.
3. Stop Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, because the status of oral hygiene exacerbate the effect that trigger the occurrence of gingivitis and periodontitis. Alcohol reduces the production of saliva, which would aggravate the bad breath and an overall dangerous for your general health. So if you want fresh breath wherever possible to avoid smoking and chewing tobacco.
4. Make flossing (cleaning the area in between the teeth), brushing teeth, gums and tongue cleaning every day. Clean your tongue to the rear area as far as possible, because in part this is a lot of bacteria often gather. If not cleaned the remnants of food will cause bad breath and can indirectly create holes in your teeth. If using a liquid mouthwash, do not use liquids with alcohol content above 25 percent for oral cavity cancer risk trigger.
5. Drink lots of water, this habit will keep your mouth still moist. Chewing gum (preferably without sugar) is useful for stimulating the production of saliva, which helps clear food debris and bacteria.
Find bad breath  halitosis  treatment and prevention
6. Clean the oral cavity is always a regular basis, keep the mouth to keep it hygienic. Brushing your teeth at least two times a day and do not forget to also rub the tongue is one way to prevent bad breath that smells less. You must ensure that your teeth and mouth are really clean from food scraps. Foods that are left behind will decay and cause a foul odor will be mixed with your breath. This problem is most often causes unpleasant breath odor.
7. Brush your tongue. By brushing your tongue with a good will remove dead cells, bacteria and food debris. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles and brush your tongue at least five to 15 movements. Give more attention to the middle third of the tongue, where most bacteria accumulate.
8. Drinking chlorophyll (the green substance of all that green), such as wheat grass, barley, spirulina, chorella.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Cure Stubborn Bad Breath

 stubborn bad breath and lack of ability to feel the taste of food, chances are the signs of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is caused by the growth of coral teeth.
The bacteria produce a toxin causing inflammation of the gums and at an advanced stage, the gums and bone where the teeth will be damaged.
The view that the smell most often caused by diseases of the stomach appears is a false concept.
Stubborn Bad Breath treatment and prevention
Some people have bad breath can be a problem in the mouth, nose, or throat, which in part also because of the lack of oral hygiene. Mouthwash is not a permanent solution, the opposite is too often used the mouthwash can be dangerous and worsen the bacteria that cause bad breath.
Reasons for the development of halitosis is the example:
1. Diseases of the gums or periodontal tissue and dental diseases, such as inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) can be responsible for bad breath.
2. Decrease in saliva production. Bad breath is also caused by lack of saliva (saliva) in the mouth. Saliva needed to moisturize and membersikan mouth of the dead cells that accumulate on the tongue, gums and inner cheek.
If not cleaned, these dead cells will rot and cause bad breath. At night, the production of saliva in general a bit, that’s why the morning after we wake up smell the offensive odor of the breath and our mouths.
3. The smell of the mouth also may be symptoms of diseases such as respiratory tract infections around (nose, throat and lungs), chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, diabetes, heart or kidney disease. People who undergo a diet method also avoids foods also cause bad breath.
Real Answer To  Cure Stubborn Bad Breath
4. Bacterial infection of the throat, nose: Some of mouth and throat can trigger halitosis. Infected gums are often associated with halitosis. Sinus infection (nasal passages into the cavity of the channel’s head) can remove the bad smell of snot into the back of the throat. Infection of the tonsils (tonsillectomy) and bronchitis can trigger more bad  smell the same.

Friday, 21 August 2009

A very embarrassing mouth odor

Bad breath Or Mouth Odor is a natural thing to happen to us after eating a favorite dish that contains garlic or petai or jengkol. do not be alarmed by this. because one of three people in the continental European experience. Certain kinds of foods can cause us to have bad breath. A very embarrassing mouth odor
Among them is a strong smell like fish, spicy dishes (onion, pastrami, chili peppers, salami or pepperoni), fatty foods, especially meat and dairy products, can trigger chemical reactions in the stomach that causes the lungs remove odor. Usually within two days on average because the food is bad breath will disappear on its own.
But if every day we are experiencing such thing as bad breath, cool medical term for this disease is halitosis it will be very annoying when interacting socially. be very different because the food is bad breath with bad breath odor due to illness.
According to some scientific sources that can be trusted. there are some disease-causing bad breath.
1. infection in the oral cavity, porous or perforated teeth, swollen gums, and tartar.
2. inflamed tongue, lack of vitamins, bitten tongue, or the growing cancer of the tongue.
3. infection in the gums, gums bleed easily, fever, mouth drooling a lot.
Bad breath is a natural thing to happen to us after eating a favorite dishBad Breath is very closely related bacteria can also meskupun of metabolic diseases and respiratory system digestive system occur, for example in the context of metabolic imbalance in diabetes mellitus. There are hundreds of species of bacteria that live in our mouths. And some of them to digest protein resulting in sulfur-containing compounds that evaporate easily and cause bad breath.
Approximately 90 percent of cases of chronic bad breath caused by bacteria breeding at the bottom of your tongue. This section is very vulnerable because it is often forgotten when you brush your teeth. mouth odor or bad breath should not be allowed because it would potentially become chronic halitosis.

Monday, 20 July 2009

Apples Reduces The Risk Of Asthma In Infants

Apples Reduces The Risk Of Asthma In Infants and children. You’re pregnant? If so, you must eating more apples. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Ancient expression that always it’s not just the actual words.
A proven fat-free apple, sodium and cholesterol, as well as having a high fiber content. Not only that, apples also contain antioxidants that improve immune function so that it can ward off heart disease and some cancers.
Apples Reduces The Risk Of Asthma In Infants And ChildrenBased on research, apples consumed by pregnant women can reduce the baby’s risk of asthma in pregnancy. This is the result of research experts from the University of Aberdeen, UK. In this study, they surveyed the eating habits of 2000 expectant mothers and see their child’s physical condition during the five years.
Asthma or Asthma is a condition where the airways are narrowed (temporarily) because of hyperactivity of certain stimuli, which cause inflammation. This narrowing can be triggered by various stimuli, such as pollen, dust, animal dander, smoke, cold air and exercise, this constriction is temporary.
Asthma disease occur most commonly in children and potentially disrupt the growth and development of children. Allergies can affect all organs and bodily functions without exception. Initial symptoms in children can include itching in the chest or neck. Dry cough at night or during sports could also be the only symptom. Asthma is not curable and there are drugs that currently serve only relieve symptoms. However, by controlling asthma, asthma sufferers can be free from asthma symptoms that interfere.
Research experts from the University of Aberdeen, UK is quite surprising. Pregnant women who eat four or more apples a week, then the risk of children had asthma, 50 percent lower than children whose mothers consumed only one or less fruit apples every week. The results of this research were presented at the conference of American Thoracic Society, recently. So far, the experts can not explain how the apple could produce such benefits.
Natural cure asthma in children with an appleIf the opinion of laymen like me. As we already know apples nutritious health prevent lung disease and cancer prevention. According to research, the National Heart and Lung Institute, apple juice actually has more benefits to prevent lung disease.
Similarly, according to Dr. Peter Burney, the content of phytochemicals in apples called flavonoids and phenolic acids such as who was instrumental in reducing inflammation in the airways so that a child’s body to avoid a respiratory disease and asthma.
Flavonid substances in apples may reduce the risk of provenlung cancer health diseases – lung up to 50%. While research from Cornell University in the U.S. found that phytochemical substances in apple skin to prevent colon cancer by 43%. Smokers by experts are encouraged to consume lots of apples.
This is because apples are rich in flavonoids and quercetin, can help prevent damage to blood vessel walls caused by tobacco. Moreover, in Chinese medicine, the apple has a cooling effect for the lungs.
An apple contains some vitamins namely, vitamin A (74IU), B Thiamin (04 mg), Niacin (15 mg), C Absorbic acid (8 mg) and Riboflavin (03 mg). Also various kinds of minerals, like calcium (10 mg), Phosphorus (100 mg), Iron (45 mg), Potassium (159 mg) and magnesium (12 mg).
High content of quercetin in the apple mentioned can increase antioxidant activity in blood. This can reduce LDL cholesterol levels that can damage the blood flow, people who consume a lower risk of getting heart disease and stroke.
Most likely the ability of powerful lungs of mothers has declined and descended on the baby, just as the immune effects against certain diseases.

Monday, 18 May 2009

Running Can Improve Brain Performance

Setting aside some time to jog in the morning is considered able to help improve brain growth and performace. People often do jogging has a stronger memory than people who never exercise.
The neurologist has discovered that one of the most powerful techniques and the simplest activity to achieve these things is exercise.
Running can Improve Brain Grow and PerformanceCardio workout. Short jogging for 15 minutes or 30 minute walk every day to give wonders for your brain nervous system,prevent aging, prevent immobility and increase blood flow to the brain.In addition, many other benefits to the body in general. So the effect is significant for our body exercises, jogging 15 minutes every day for a week.
If you do not see a difference, just stop. But trust me, you’ll see so many improvements in various aspects of your life. Jogging should be done at least two days a week. This was based on studies conducted by Cambridge University, United States.
Studies are also working with the U.S. National Institute stipulates, running can help grow the hundreds of thousands of new brain cells of the brain associated with memory. Therefore, running can help reduce dementia in elderly people.
“We know that exercise to maintain good brain function, and we want to show more detail on the mechanism of the brain,” said Timothy Bussey, a neuroscientist at Cambridge University. “Now we know better, we know there are things we can do to do anything to improve your memory, think better, improve analytical skills, better concentration and managing depression, this is all we can get it naturally.” Timothy Bussey further.
The study was conducted using mice as experimental. Rats were divided into two groups, first group of mice was tested by running approximately 24 km per day in a ball-shaped track. While both groups of rats do not run.
Rats were then pitted to find food, the assessment carried out by observing the movement rat nose. Food placed on the left. And research to see that mice that often ran nose first move towards the left (where the food) while the rats that never ran in to guess the food is always one or more propelling his nose to the right.
Start running and watch your brain grow
In addition to the brain healthy, jogging can also lose weight. Jogging with the normal speed can burn more than 717 calories in the body, other than that good for the bones and joints of the body. So, from now on get used to jogging at least three times a week, and you will feel more intelligent than the previous .

Monday, 16 March 2009

Children Often Swallow Toothpaste

We often see children swallow toothpaste. When the first tooth appears, since that’s dental care of children under five starts. Basically, different types of toothpaste containing fluoride.
The trick is to teach toothbrushing.  However, in learning to brush teeth, young children often swallow toothpaste. Secure is this?
Swallowing fluoride toothpaste - a bad thing for adultsToothpaste for children in general contain ingredients that is safe if swallowed. Fluroideand other materials are usually very few in number. Besides the existing rules on maximum levels.
There are a couple brands of Toothpaste That Make Toothpaste for babies / toddlers That Is not harmful If they want to end up swallowing a bit of it. Choose a children’s Toothpaste That does not contain fluoride.
To prevent swallowing of toothpaste, children can be taught how to rinse well and teach them not to swallow the rest of the mouthwash. If swallowed would not be all, are safe, which is still below the critical limit.
Better still if not swallowed. Orajel and a couple of other brands make fluoride-free Toothpaste for little ones. It Is not good for babies to Swallow too much fluoride.
The most important thing is to cultivate healthy habits in children, ie brushing your teeth twice a day. Definitely start brushing the teeth now.
Can you use Toothpaste with fluoride free Until your baby is old Enough to learn to spit out the Toothpaste and then switches to the family Toothpaste.
There definitely are some harmful chemicals in most children toothpastes
Prepare at least two minutes to brush her teeth. Parents can help by way of brushing their teeth together in front of the mirror. Do not forget to give praise when the child was about to brush my own teeth. If the teeth are tight together Should you floss as well, though most are spaced apart teeth Infants That it is not Necessary to floss.
Some say, that if your child gets too much fluoride, She Will get white spots on their teeth on. This Is Called fluorosis and the spots will from not go away. the best for our children is better not to swallow fluoride, use toothpaste that contains no fluoride.

Friday, 9 January 2009

10 Healthy Drink Substituting Pure Water

Sometimes we feel bored when drinking plain water only. Whereas the white water like a lubricant that can make our organs function.
White Water is a key element of healthy living. 8 glasses a day is the minimum amount we should drink to our bodies to function optimally. If all works well, all the substances that enter our bodies can be processed properly.
White Water is a key element of healthy living
Substances that are useless and wasted too easily soluble.
So we still get the benefit of white water, it is necessary to choose foods or beverages that serve the same purpose, even if more could be more special features. Among them can be found below. But still, konsumi water is necessary for the long term. Because boredom was only temporary, and the drinks list is not intended to substitute water for consumption in the long term. The list are :
1. Papaya Juice
Soft and sweet fruit makes a very good papaya consumed by children and parents. In Addition, Also papaya is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that are good for protecting the body from free Radicals. In 1997 the World Cancer Research Fund’s report, That the consumption of papaya on a regular basis Can Prevent lung cancer, colon, pancreas, breast and bladder.
The power of Papaya, the most nutritious fruit
In fact, a single serving of papaya has 150 percent of your daily allowance of Vitamin C, one of the most effective antioxidants in blocking LDL oxidation. It’s also associated with high levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. Papayas are a great source of beta-carotene, an important antioxidant that helps fight free radicals, the beginning of disease. Papayas also supply about 2 percent of your RDA for iron, and 4 percent of your daily calcium allowance. It’s also an excellent source of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Folic Acid, Potassium, Copper, Phosphorus, Iron and Fiber.
Papaya can also reduce the activity of free radicals that attack cells and lead to cancer cans Because the vitamin C content and Because of its high carotenoid. These two nutrients are very high Indeed. These two nutrients was significant potential to reduce the activity of free Radicals, Which Can trigger cancer.
For men, consumption of papaya every day very well because vitamin C is very essential for the formation of semen and sperm. Low levels of vitamin C in the body changed from an obstacle to can produce offspring. The test results showed, a man may be infertile due to sperm clumping. Quality, quantity, and movement of sperm life can be improved by increasing in the intake of vitamin C, up to 500 mg per day.
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