Monday, 22 December 2008

Avocado Juice And Coffee For Substitute Water

Avocado is the only rich in healthy fats, fruits, as contained in olive oil. Levels more than twice the fat content in durian. Nevertheless, the healthy fats including fatty avocado, because the predominantly monounsaturated fatty acid oleic That are powerful antioxidants. Because the levels of folic acid and vitamin E was high in potassium avocado also is more effective in soaking hypertension and may help expedite the flow of blood (control of hypertension).avocado cure high blood pressure, skin more beatiful
Fat content of avocados helps reduce “bad cholesterol” LDL cholesterol while raising “good cholesterol” HDL, Thus significantly reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack. This ability is reinforced by the content of beta-carotene, chlorophyll. Vitamin E and vitamin B-complex is abundant in avocados. In addition to controlling hypertension, the avocado is rich in minerals also potassium, but low sodium content. This comparison is encouraging atmosphere in our bodies alkaline.
Different from other fruits, avocados contain almost no starch, a little sugary fruit, but the abundance of cellulose fibers. These factors make the avocado is recommended as part of the menu to control diabetes. Now a major, avocado turns out really good for skin and hair, thanks to the existence of folic acid and vitamin B, as well as other B vitamins, avocado ideal for stimulating the formation of collagen tissue.
3. Coffee
Prevent neurological disease. Caffeinated coffee drinkers less likely to develop Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Content of antioxidants in coffee will prevent cell damage associated with Parkinson’s. While caffeine will inhibit inflammation in the brain, often associated with Alzheimer’s. Antioxidants contained in coffee could help protect cells from free radicals that are often linked to cancer and degenerative brain disorders.
coffee could reverse memory problems seen in Alzheimer's
Protect teeth, prevent cancer and DNA damage. Caffeinated coffee has antibacterial capability and nonstick, so it can keep the bacteria that cause tooth layer gnawing holes. Drinking a cup of coffee every day proven to prevent up to half the risk of oral cancer. Compounds found in coffee may also limit the growth of liver cancer, cirrhosis of the liver and DNA damage.
Preventing diabetes. People who consumed 3-4 cups of regular coffee or decaf coffee (with caffeine levels are reduced) will reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes by 30 percent. Klorogenik acid can help prevent insulin resistance, which is a sign of this disease.?
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