Monday, 22 December 2008

Avocado Juice And Coffee For Substitute Water

Avocado is the only rich in healthy fats, fruits, as contained in olive oil. Levels more than twice the fat content in durian. Nevertheless, the healthy fats including fatty avocado, because the predominantly monounsaturated fatty acid oleic That are powerful antioxidants. Because the levels of folic acid and vitamin E was high in potassium avocado also is more effective in soaking hypertension and may help expedite the flow of blood (control of hypertension).avocado cure high blood pressure, skin more beatiful
Fat content of avocados helps reduce “bad cholesterol” LDL cholesterol while raising “good cholesterol” HDL, Thus significantly reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack. This ability is reinforced by the content of beta-carotene, chlorophyll. Vitamin E and vitamin B-complex is abundant in avocados. In addition to controlling hypertension, the avocado is rich in minerals also potassium, but low sodium content. This comparison is encouraging atmosphere in our bodies alkaline.
Different from other fruits, avocados contain almost no starch, a little sugary fruit, but the abundance of cellulose fibers. These factors make the avocado is recommended as part of the menu to control diabetes. Now a major, avocado turns out really good for skin and hair, thanks to the existence of folic acid and vitamin B, as well as other B vitamins, avocado ideal for stimulating the formation of collagen tissue.
3. Coffee
Prevent neurological disease. Caffeinated coffee drinkers less likely to develop Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Content of antioxidants in coffee will prevent cell damage associated with Parkinson’s. While caffeine will inhibit inflammation in the brain, often associated with Alzheimer’s. Antioxidants contained in coffee could help protect cells from free radicals that are often linked to cancer and degenerative brain disorders.
coffee could reverse memory problems seen in Alzheimer's
Protect teeth, prevent cancer and DNA damage. Caffeinated coffee has antibacterial capability and nonstick, so it can keep the bacteria that cause tooth layer gnawing holes. Drinking a cup of coffee every day proven to prevent up to half the risk of oral cancer. Compounds found in coffee may also limit the growth of liver cancer, cirrhosis of the liver and DNA damage.
Preventing diabetes. People who consumed 3-4 cups of regular coffee or decaf coffee (with caffeine levels are reduced) will reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes by 30 percent. Klorogenik acid can help prevent insulin resistance, which is a sign of this disease.?
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Thursday, 27 November 2008

Coconut Water And Tea For Substitute Water

Green tea and black tea has the properties of the same. Tea may help prevent atherosclerosis. Antioxidants in tea is also believed to prevent the piling of fat in the blood vessels to reduce oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol). Antioxidants also reduce the likelihood of blood clotting and helps the arteries (blood vessels) to be able to relax so that blood flow.
Substitute Green and Black Tea for Water DrinkingRelaxation. Drinking a cup of hot tea can help produce feelings of relaxation and improve memory because the content of the amino acid L-teanin in it. Tea can also help improve the immune system. Research conducted by The Brigham and Women’s Hospital said that teanin content in tea to increase the capacity of gamma delta T cells to fight disease and help the body fight infection.
This popular drink one can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, gum, stress, burn fat, and help you lose weight. Lucky, the researchers always find new things about the health benefits of tea. A recent study shows that drinking black tea can actually help growth and repair of bone tissue layer.
5. Coconut Water
“It’s a natural isotonic beverage, with the same level of electrolytic balance as we have in our blood. It’s the fluid of life, so to speak.” In fact, during the Pacific War of 1941-45, both sides in the conflict regularly used coconut water siphoned directly from the nut to give emergency plasma transfusions to wounded soldiers. Good for blood circulation and therefore reduce blood pressure (This statement got approve by the FDA) and good for diabetic patients.
Young coconut water contains lauric acid, an acid that helps fight disease. Lauric acid contained in coconut water the same as those found in breast milk and has the characteristics of antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral, so maintaining the health of mothers and infants from viral infections such as herpes and HIV, protozoa, giardia lamblia and bacteria chlamydia and heliokobater.
Coconut water is the purest liquid second only to water itself
Compared to the amino acid contained in cow’s milk, amino acids contained in coconut water was higher. While the carbon element can be found in the form of simple carbohydrates such as glucose, sucrose, fructose, sorbitol, inositol, and others. Similarly, micro-elements in the form of coconut water mineral ions needed as penganti body. Indeed feasible, if after a young coconut drink our body feels fresh again. Some fact about coconut water :
a. Coconut Water is more nutritious than whole milk – Less fat and no cholesterol.
b. Coconut Water is more healthy than orange juice – Much lower calories.
c. Coconut Water is better than processed baby milk – It contains lauric acid, which is present in human mother’s milk.
d. Coconut water is naturally sterile. Water permeates though the filtering husk.
e. Coconut water is a universal donor. It is identical to human blood plasma.
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Friday, 24 October 2008

Chlorophyll And Apple Juice For Substitute Water

Liquid Chlorophyll (Liquid chlorophyll) is a health drink which extracted from Alfalfa leaf (Medicago sativa), called the “Father of All Plants” due to high chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll is the only substance of the fastest fuse with blood because of the similarity with the molecular structure of human red blood cells. 1 teaspoon is equivalent to 1 kg of vegetable consumption.chlorophyll health benefits
Toxins and waste transport in the body (Detox). Chlorophyll molecule design is so striking. Chlorophyll characteristic lipophilic tail (like fat) can penetrate cells very quickly without a hitch (barrier) binding and pull out all hazardous Hydrocarbon compounds such as drugs that piled up in the body, preservatives and taste of food, nicotine, drugs, heavy metals from water drink and smoke exhaust. Chlorophyll helps the liver break chemical synthesis so that the liver is not working too hard.
Chlorophyll a tail like a brush, cleaning the cholesterol crystallizes in blood circulation such as fat and soap to clean dirt in our hands clean of mucus in the tract lung and acidity in the joints. Strong antioxidant. Chlorophyll prevent the infiltration of cancer cells into the tissue by blocking destructive enzymes cancer cell proteins. Chlorophyll protects us from carcinogenic compounds. Experiments prove the DNA damage caused by aflatoxins (carcinogenic compounds) decreased 50% with consumption of chlorophyll as much as 300mg per day.
7. Apple Juice
A proven fat-free apple, sodium and cholesterol, as well as having a high fiber content. Not only that, apples also contain antioxidants that improve immune function so that it can ward off heart disease, lung health and preventing disease. According to research, the National Heart and Lung Institute, apple juice actually has more benefits to prevent lung disease. Similarly, according to Dr. Peter Burney, the content of phytochemicals in apples called flavonoids and phenolic acids such as who was instrumental in reducing inflammation in the airways so that a child’s body to avoid a respiratory disease and asthma.
Flavonid substances in apples may reduce the risk of proven lung cancer health diseases – lung up to 50%. While research from Cornell University in the U.S. found that phytochemical substances in apple skin to prevent colon cancer by 43%. Smokers by experts are encouraged to consume lots of apples. This is because apples are rich in flavonoids and quercetin, can help prevent damage to blood vessel walls caused by tobacco. In Chinese medicine, the apple has a cooling effect for the lungs.
Flavonid  in apples reduce the risk lung cancer
When you eat without peeling skin, low-calorie apple is also loaded will contain potassium, folic acid, vitamin C and calcium. Apples can also be used as a fever-lowering namely rasp way. While apples are steamed with honey can be used to treat dry cough and remove mucus from the lungs.
Fresh apples can help digestion because it contains malic and tartaric acids that inhibit fermentation in the gut. High fiber content that is useful to help digestion, making elimination natural and comfortable. Apples also contain pectin, a soluble fiber that encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract.
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Sunday, 21 September 2008

Yogurt and Kiwi Juice For Substitute Water

Yoghurt or yogurt, milk which is produced through bacterial fermentation. Yogurt can be made from any milk, including soy milk. But modern production is currently dominated dairy cows. Yogurt is a source of protein and calcium. 10 g. plain yogurt, to meet 20% of total protein should be consumed every day. Meanwhile, eight ounces of yogurt, containing two times more calcium than regular milk.
The health benefits of yogurt have been sited for centuries
Yogurt can boost immunity against disease. For if diligent yogurt drink, the intestines become clean. Due to work ‘good bacteria’ which they contain. Digestion was so smooth, even a healthy body. In addition to physical health, yogurt is also known to maintain good skin smoothness. Lactose is derived from yeast extract, act as astringents (toners). Diligent drinking yogurt, also makes the skin looking soft, smooth and not dry.
Another benefit that there are also lots of yogurt are:
a. Prevent the accumulation of toxins in the stomach
b. Enhance the cellular immune function, increasing the ability of cells to form antibodies to fight disease
c. Against infection by enhancing immune
d. Help prevent cancer, especially colon cancer and vaginal cancer
e. Help lower cholesterol levels in the blood
f.  Enzymes in yogurt help to overcome the problem of flatulence and bloating
g. Help neutralize uric acid and preventing gastrointestinal infections
9. Kiwi Fruit juice
Kiwi is the most nutrient-rich fruit. A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition showed that of 27 types of commonly consumed fruits such as papaya, mango, and avocado, kiwi apparently has the highest nutrient density.
Kiwi contained in the amino acid arginine and glutamate. Arginine are vasodilators or a decrease in blood pressure and helps improve blood flow. As a vasodilator, arginine is also used to treat the symptoms of impotence. The same amino acid prevents the occurrence of plaque on artery walls, particularly in patients with angioplasty (plastic surgery of blood vessels).
This amino acid also proved able to treat the symptoms of mild impotence. In fact, amino acids can also increase a child’s thinking skills that are generally influenced by the type of food she consumes each day. Please note, the food consumed will be influential in improving kemampaun brain. Therefore, other than fish that have high amino acid for intelligence, kiwi fruit is also recommended as a food that has benefits similar to fish.
Some results showed that kiwi fruit contains vitamin C 17 times more than apples, two times more than oranges, and also more than a lemon. Fruit with a slightly sour taste sweet It also contains glycaemik index (GI) and high-fat and low cholesterol.
Kiwi is the most nutrient-rich fruit
Kiwi fruit contains many benefits for health and beauty, and even improve the intelligence of children. The women who want to look healthy and beautiful to eat kiwi fruit as a snack. Because vitamins and nutrients contained in this fruit has potential contribution to the world of beauty.?
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Friday, 25 July 2008

Kefir For Substitute Water

Other fermented milk has the taste of the exotic, the kefir. If you enjoyed, as there is a hissing in the oral cavity, it is very tempting when diteguk, as an alloy of a sour taste, a little taste of alcohol and soda, so fresh. Kefir is also very beneficial to those intolerant of lactose, and are believed to cure several diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, certain types of tumors, and arteriosclerosis.
Tryptophan, one of the essential amino acids abundant in kefir
Kefir is very useful for people with lactose intolerant or lactose-intolerant, because the lactose has been digested into glucose and galactose by lactase enzyme from the microbe in kefir grains. Rajin consuming kefir regularly will help increase your metabolism and optimize the function of important organs in the body, including liver. If the liver function reaches the optimum point, then work in detoxifying the liver toxins in your body will become lighter.
The exceptional nutritional content of Kefir Offers a wealth of healthy benefits to people in Every type of condition. More than just beneficial bacteria, Kefir contains minerals and essential amino acids help your body That with its natural healing powers and maintenance functions.
Tryptophan, one of the essential amino acids abundant in kefir, is well-Known for its relaxing effect on the nervous system. Because it Also Offers loads of calcium and magnesium – both of Which are critical for a healthy nervous system – Kefir in the diet cans have a particularly calming effeczt on the nerves.
Contributes to your healthy immune system, help fortify Patients suffering from AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, herpes, and cancer. Consuming kefir bersam together with green tea is believed capable of preventing the spread of various types of tumors, both benign or malignant. Many benign tumor that has formed can be controlled by diligent consume both types of health drinks.
Kefir promotes a relaxing effect on the nervous system and benefit many WHO seek a restful night’s sleep, and WHO suffer from depression, and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).
Kefir helps support your normal intestinal tract function, and promotes healthy bowel movements and your Digestive system – and is an absolute must after the use of antibiotics to restore balance to the Digestive Tract. Curbs unhealthy food cravings by making your body more nourished and balanced.
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Wednesday, 21 May 2008

White Water Therapy Benefits In The Morning

U.S. cardiologist, Dr. James M. Rippe advised to drink a quart of water for at least more than what is needed our thirst. Because, losing only 4% of fluid will decrease our performance as much as 22%! It is understandable when you lose 7%, we will begin to feel weak and lethargic. If you consume less than eight glasses, the overall effect is not felt, it’s because we only lost 2% -3% only. Benefit of Drinking water – the key to a longer, healthier, and more vigorous life.
Benefit of Drinking water - the key to a longer, healthier, and more vigorous life.
But as a consequence of the lack of water, the body will balance itself by taking the source of the body’s own components. Among the blood. White water shortage for blood is very dangerous for the body. Therefore, the blood will be thick. As a result, the journey of blood as a means of transport of oxygen and nutrients can also interfere. As a result of the continued damage to the kidneys.
During sleep, our body is working optimally. Remove toxins, cleanse the blood, absorbing nutrients from food consumed as long as we wake up, and others. And then, when we wake up in the morning, are times when our bodies mangandung lot of “dirt” metabolism that must be removed. How to dispose of what? Because the truth is not only with the BAK and BAB, but can be excreted through sweat and sewerage else.
Recent studies show that dehydration not only affects brain size, but also how the brain works. When you allow yourself to sweat up to 90 minutes, it turns out you can make the brain shrink as much as one year of aging. If you are short of water, you will be forced to work harder to process information. When going for days or even weeks, this could affect your work performance or the performance of children at school.
 Health Benefit of Water is crucial in resolving a lot of your Health and Wellbeing issues.
To begin with, one may find it difficult to drink 1.5 liters of water at once, but will gradually get used to it. At first, when exercising, you may drink four glasses first and the remaining 2 cups drunk two minutes later. Initially you will urinate two to three times an hour, but after a while, will return to normal. According to the research and experience, the following diseases known to be cured with this therapy, in time as written below:
Constipation – 1 Day
Lung tuberculosis – 3 Months
Diabetes – 7 Days
Uric acid – 2 Days
Blood Pressure – 4 Sunday
Cancer – 4 Sunday
It is very important to know that do not drink or eat anything an hour before and after drinking 1.5 liters of water. It is recommended that patients with arthritis / joint pain and rheumatism implement this therapy three times a day, ie morning, noon, and night-an hour before meals for one week, then twice daily until healed.?
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Monday, 17 March 2008

Knowing Asthma Symptoms

The Symptoms Of Asthm. Deteriorating environmental factors, adding a growing list of diseases that a good number of diseases and the number of patients. One of the diseases that take advantage of environmental damage is asthma.
Data from the World Health Organization has as many as 370 million people worldwide suffer from asthma and 225 thousand people died of asthma in the year 2005, 279 thousand people died in the year 2006 and 350 thousand in 2008.
knowing the mild asthma symptoms, you might be able to prevent AsthmaAsthma is a chronic disease(chronic) in the bronchial (lower airway), with recurrent symptoms are acute (sudden) and occurs repeatedly. Asthma is also one of its derivatives and unknown disease that maternal factors more strongly to reduce asthma in children.
Signs and symptoms experienced by asthma sufferers, among others:
-Feel crowded and difficult breathing
-In the pharynx feels depressed
-Space between the chest expands slightly
-There was the sound of wheezing (wheezing) when breathing out
-Body feels weak and sometimes bluish face
Initial symptoms in children can include itching in the chest or neck. Dry cough at night or during sports could also be the only prominent symptom. Coughing asthma has another characteristic, that is more severe at night or early morning, or upon waking. Asthma is not just any cough cough cough, but a stubborn cough. Understanding cough ‘recalcitrant’ covers some similar circumstances, namely:
1. Cough that lasts longer, usually more than 2 weeks
2. Difficult recovery
3. Improved briefly and then relapse again
4. Arise repeatedly in a short time interval
During asthma attacks, shortness of breath may become more severe, causing anxiety. As a reaction to anxiety, patients will also be spending a lot of sweat. Asthma occurs when airways in the lungs, called the bronchiole, become inflamed and very sensitive to triggers. During the attack, the lungs will remove mucus and respiratory tract will be narrowed, so that you are getting hard to breathe.
How do I know my child has asthma, majority of kids with asthma develop symptoms by age 6
Feature of the coming of an asthma attack
1. An asthma attack can occur suddenly marked by breath sounds (wheezing, asthma), cough and shortness of breath. Wheezing sound heard especially when patients exhale breath.
2. At other times, an asthma attack occurs slowly with symptoms that gradually worsened.
In the second situation, which was first felt by a sufferer of asthma are shortness of breath, cough or tightness in the chest. The attack could take place within a few minutes or may last up to several hours, even for a few days.
In a very severe attack, the sufferer becomes difficult to speak because of crowded very great. Confusion, lethargy (decreased consciousness state, where the sufferer such as deep sleep, but can be aroused briefly and then immediately fall asleep again) and cyanosis (bluish skin looks) is a sign that the patient oxygen supply is very limited and treatment should be done immediately.
Although he has suffered a severe attack, the patient will usually recover completely. But, if your asthma is not well controlled, the symptoms of asthma can irritate your daily activities and may have symptoms will get worse. To reduce the possibility of a recurrence of asthma, you may need to frequently play a musical instrument like a flute, saxophone, or trumpet, requiring respiratory diaphragm. Although you are not a music player, this is an excellent way to train the respiratory muscles.
Which need to be considered when asthma relapse is do not panic, calm yourself. When located in a small room air, find a room that a lot of direct air so you are free to breathe it.
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Thursday, 10 January 2008

Drinking Coffee May Prevent Degenerative Diseases

How is the relationship of coffee drinking with a variety of degenerative diseases? Rather difficult to link coffee drinking habits and risk of coronary heart disease. A degenerative disease, also called neurodegenerative disease, is a disease in which the function or structure of the affected tissues or organs will progressively deteriorate over time, whether due to normal bodily wear or lifestyle choices such as exercise or eating habits.
Drinking Coffee May Reduces Risk of Stroke, Cancer and Dementia
Degenerative diseases are often contrasted with infectious diseases. If drinking coffee bring bad for heart health impacts there may be confounding factors that accompany it. Coffee drinkers sometimes have a lifestyle that is less supportive of heart health.
Those who are fond of drinking coffee may well also a smoker or a busy person with mild activity pattern and often experience stress. A study of coffee still in progress. It is considered necessary, because the coffee was still save a lot of benefits that have not been exposed.
Some Examples of Degenerative Diseases
* Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), e.g., Lou Gehrig’s Disease
* Alzheimer’s disease
* Parkinson’s Disease
* Multiple system atrophy
* Niemann Pick disease
* Atherosclerosis
* Progressive supranuclear palsy
* Cancer
* Tay-Sachs Disease
* Diabetes
* Heart Disease
* Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
* Prostatitis
* Osteoarthritis
* Osteoporosis
* Rheumatoid Arthritis
* Huntington’s Disease
* Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
Coffee promote good health by preventing degenerative diseases
Scientists believe that drinking coffee makes it possible to limit, postpone or prevent many degenerative diseases including cancer, heart disease cataracts, and diseases of the nervous system. Epidemiological studies have shown that adding antioxidant polyphenols to the diet reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. For those of you who like coffee, here are some benefits of coffee that you may not know.
1. Prevent neurological disease. Caffeinated coffee drinkers less likely to develop Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Content of antioxidants in coffee will prevent cell damage associated with Parkinson’s. While caffeine will inhibit inflammation in the brain, often associated with Alzheimer’s.
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