Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Coffee May Prevent Colon Liver Cancer Diabetes

2. Coffee Prevent colon cancer, proved to drink four cups or more lower risk of colon cancer by 24 percent. Coffee seems to be increasing the activity of the colon, and possibly the existence of anti-mutagenic components in coffee could prevent the emergence of cancer. Colon and rectal cancer is the second killer among various cancer diseases in America. Type of cancer that generally attacks people aged over 50 years.Coffee help womens health by Lowering the risk of breast cancer
3. Coffee Protect teeth. Caffeinated coffee has antibacterial capability and nonstick, so it can keep the bacteria that cause tooth layer gnawing holes. Drinking a cup of coffee every day proven to prevent up to half the risk of oral cancer. Compounds found in coffee may also limit the growth of cancer cells and damage DNA.
4. Coffee also reduces the incidence of asthma because of the chemical substance called theophylline. Caffeine may also be useful to prevent formation of kidney stones. Kidney stones are formed when there is calcium oxalate and other chemicals that crystallize and eventually clog the urethra. The role of caffeine is launching the disposal of urine and decreasing concentration. But there are other factors which allegedly also has a role outside of caffeine.
5. Coffee Lowering the risk of breast cancer. By the time of menopause, women who consumed four cups of coffee a day reduced their risk of breast cancer by 38 percent, according to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition. Coffee releasing phytoestrogens and flavonoids that can restrain tumor growth. However, consumption of less than four cups will not get this benefit.
6. Coffee Prevent liver cancer and liver cirrhosis. The content of caffeine contained in coffee was able to suppress cancer cell growth gradually. Two cups of coffee a day may reduce the risk of colon cancer as much as 25 percent, and cirrhosis of the liver at 80 percent. Dr Francesca Bravi from Italy found that coffee drinkers enjoy a 41 percent reduction in risk of HCC (hepatocellular Carcinoma) or liver cancer, compared with those who never consumed coffee. Antioxidants contained in coffee could help protect cells from free radicals that are often linked to cancer and degenerative brain disorders.
6. Coffee Prevent gallstones. Gallstones grow when the mucus in the gallbladder cholesterol crystals trap. Xanthine, which is found in caffeine, will reduce the risk of mucus and storage. Two cups of coffee or more each day will help this process.
Coffee Reduces Risk liver cancer breast cancer colon cancer diabetes type 2
7. Coffee Protecting the skin. Consumption of 2-5 cups of coffee a day can help lower the risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer up to 17 percent. Caffeine can stimulate the skin to kill precancerous cells, and also stop the growth of tumors.
8. Coffee Preventing diabetes. People who consumed 3-4 cups of regular coffee or decaf coffee (with caffeine levels are reduced) will reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes by 30 percent. Klorogenik acid can help prevent insulin resistance, which is a sign of this disease.
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