Friday, 26 November 2010

Cold Shower Morning Health Benefit

Nobody can deny that a cold shower is stimulating. When having a cold shower in the morning, our body, which are still left exhausted after sleeping at night can feel fresh and be ready to perform our daily activities. Cold showers stimulate the circulation, help the body rid itself of toxins, and can even promote energy and a sense of well-being.
Cold Shower Morning Health Benefit
Cold Shower Morning Health Benefit
The reason for this is the shocking effect a cold shower has on the system. As the change in temperature is the most important aspect of a cold shower, ensure that you shower in a warm room. If taken regularly, cold showers can increase your general healthas well as help you feel energetic in the short term. Yoga practitioners recommend cold showers to help build immunity to cold and flu.
Showering with cold water everyday fools your body into thinking that you are about to get sick, so your immune system gets triggered and is prepared for any virus or microbes coming your way for the rest of the day. The other good news for men who want to pursue the cold shower treatment, cold showers may actually help if you are a male trying to father a child. This is because a cold shower stimulates the testicles so that they produce more sperm.
Hot showers cause depression, bad posture, back pain, lowering of the immune system, low energy, they are horrible for your skin as they dry it out completely and makes your skin looser and makes you look older, its bad for your hair as it also dries it out and makes it weak and brittle.
Warm water makes the blood rush to your skin, and cool water makes the blood rush to your organs. This switching between hot and cold triggers better circulation in your blood by forcing the blood to move. The ideal practice would be to switch numerous times between hot and cold water, but merely ending the shower with cold water does help with circulation. Why should you worry about having good circulation? Well, it prevents such problems as hypertension, hardening of the arteries, and the appearance of varicose veins. Good circulation improves the performance of your system and thus help looking and feeling better.
You should not try cold showers if you have a heart problem. Cold showers may cause discomfort to women during menstruation. These folks should try a lukewarm shower instead and avoid giving shocks to the body.
Cold showers have the following positive health effects:
  • Brings blood to the capillaries, therefore increasing circulation throughout the body.
  • Increase men fertility by produce more high quality sperm
  • Cleans the circulatory system.
  • Reduces blood pressure on internal organs.
  • Provides flushing for the organs and provides a new supply of blood.
  • Strengthens the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.
  • Contracts the muscles to eliminate toxins and poisonous wastes.
  • Strengthens the mucous membranes, which help resist hay fever, allergies, colds, coughs.
When we have cold showers, it sets the heart pumping, pushing oxygen and blood throughout the body at a higher rate. It contracts the muscles, which then take in fresh blood and release toxins. It stimulates circulation to all areas of the body. It also prompts a release of chemicals from your brain, waking you up. Once you are out of the shower, the increased circulation of oxygen in your body should give you a sense of calm and well-being.
The health benefits of a cold shower therapy
The health benefits of a cold shower therapy