1. Topical (medicine used on the skin). Acne lotions may reduce the oil, kill bacteria and accelerate the exfoliation of dead skin cells. Which is generally sold free lotion containing benzoyl peroxide, sulful, resorcinol, salicylic acid or lactic acid as its active ingredient. This product can be helpful for mild acne.
3. Isotretinoin. For deep cysts, antibiotics are not enough. Isotretinoin is a medication that is strong enough to cysts or acne that does not respond to other treatments. This medicine is used for those pesky pimples. Very effective, but required supervision dermatological side effects.
5. Laser Acne. Laser can reach the deeper parts of the skin without damaging the skin surface. Lasers can damage the oil glands and cause the oil produced less. Terai is also able to improve texture and reduce acne scars, so the front of a good therapy for acne and acne scars.