Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Drink To Overcome Stress Effects On Body

Stress not only gives a negative effect on health but also will cause us to behave badly toward the people around us. If you frequently feel stressed out, it is tempting to grab refined carbohydrates, otherwise known as comfort foods, and eat them in unhealthy quantities. Instead of reaching for a pint of premium chocolate ice cream, try changing your diet to include some of the foods below, and see if your stress level decreases.
Blueberries Juice overcome stress
Blueberries Juice overcome stress
The more successful a person generally will increasingly crowded schedule, and can not be denied that his life will be increasingly susceptible to diseases such thing as stress.To reduce or eliminate stress, try to enjoy the following 6 drinks. And your body not to mention your stress level will feel the difference!
1. Warm milk
Milk is very high in calcium and B vitamins, which help to build your bones and protect nerve health. It is also high in protein, and protein also helps blood sugar to stay stabilized. Try mixing some milk, a sweetener and some frozen blueberries in the blender for a healthy pick-me-up that is super good for you, and an excellent alternative to ice cream!  The tryptophan content in milk will go through process of metabolism and becomes serotonin which functions to improve mood. Then, the content of calcium, magnesium and potassium can reduce increased blood pressure because of stress.
2. Blueberries Juice
Besides having been identified as one of the healthiest foods around, blueberries are very high in vitamin C, which has been shown to give the body added reserves to help it deal with high levels of stress. Also, blueberries contain a high amount of fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels that fluctuate too much are a major contributor to stress for some people. By drink blueberries juice you get the benefit from fruit and water. It is important to have sufficient water intake, as even a mild state of dehydration can stress your entire body. Keep your nerves steady by staying well hydrated.
3. Hot chocolate
Chocolate contains magnesium which is described as a Natural Tranquilizer’ which calms down an agitated person. Warm drinks will increase your body temperature and can lead to comfort. Content of substances in chocolate can also make your mood more stable.
4. Black tea/Green Tea
Change the habit of drinking coffee during stress, replace it with black tea. Tea is good for your stress levels, and not just because taking a break for a cup  relieves the pressure. British scientists have discovered that drinking tea reduces the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Green tea contains theanin, which enhances relaxation in the brain. It increases alpha waves which cause a calming effect and reduce betha the wave that creates a depressed feeling.
5. Cold water
By drinking a glass or two of water will greatly help you to be more relaxed and with a bodily fluid enough, you’ll avoid fatigue and exhaustion that would worsen the situation if you stress. Cold water can also be used to reduce stress. But, after drinking make sure you walk outdoors and breathe fresh air. Water will move the blood and fresh air stimulates the production of endorphins, hormones which relieves stress. If you starve your body of water you will function below your best and you will get stressed physically and mentally therefore It is very important to drink water as it keeps you well-hydrated and helps enormously to reduce stress. Water is key in any diet as it allows your body to flush out toxins and keep cells hydrated.
Hot chocolate with a cinnamon stick fight stress
Hot chocolate with a cinnamon stick overcome stress
6. Bananas Juice
Banana are a rich source of magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is very commonly linked to stress and anxiety disorders. Increasing your magnesium intake will decrease anxiety and even help you sleep better. So mark in your list to buy bananas whenever you go for your food shopping. By drink bananas juice you get the benefit from fruit and water. It is important to have sufficient water intake, as even a mild state of dehydration can stress your entire body. Keep your nerves steady by staying well hydrated.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Cold Shower Morning Health Benefit

Nobody can deny that a cold shower is stimulating. When having a cold shower in the morning, our body, which are still left exhausted after sleeping at night can feel fresh and be ready to perform our daily activities. Cold showers stimulate the circulation, help the body rid itself of toxins, and can even promote energy and a sense of well-being.
Cold Shower Morning Health Benefit
Cold Shower Morning Health Benefit
The reason for this is the shocking effect a cold shower has on the system. As the change in temperature is the most important aspect of a cold shower, ensure that you shower in a warm room. If taken regularly, cold showers can increase your general healthas well as help you feel energetic in the short term. Yoga practitioners recommend cold showers to help build immunity to cold and flu.
Showering with cold water everyday fools your body into thinking that you are about to get sick, so your immune system gets triggered and is prepared for any virus or microbes coming your way for the rest of the day. The other good news for men who want to pursue the cold shower treatment, cold showers may actually help if you are a male trying to father a child. This is because a cold shower stimulates the testicles so that they produce more sperm.
Hot showers cause depression, bad posture, back pain, lowering of the immune system, low energy, they are horrible for your skin as they dry it out completely and makes your skin looser and makes you look older, its bad for your hair as it also dries it out and makes it weak and brittle.
Warm water makes the blood rush to your skin, and cool water makes the blood rush to your organs. This switching between hot and cold triggers better circulation in your blood by forcing the blood to move. The ideal practice would be to switch numerous times between hot and cold water, but merely ending the shower with cold water does help with circulation. Why should you worry about having good circulation? Well, it prevents such problems as hypertension, hardening of the arteries, and the appearance of varicose veins. Good circulation improves the performance of your system and thus help looking and feeling better.
You should not try cold showers if you have a heart problem. Cold showers may cause discomfort to women during menstruation. These folks should try a lukewarm shower instead and avoid giving shocks to the body.
Cold showers have the following positive health effects:
  • Brings blood to the capillaries, therefore increasing circulation throughout the body.
  • Increase men fertility by produce more high quality sperm
  • Cleans the circulatory system.
  • Reduces blood pressure on internal organs.
  • Provides flushing for the organs and provides a new supply of blood.
  • Strengthens the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.
  • Contracts the muscles to eliminate toxins and poisonous wastes.
  • Strengthens the mucous membranes, which help resist hay fever, allergies, colds, coughs.
When we have cold showers, it sets the heart pumping, pushing oxygen and blood throughout the body at a higher rate. It contracts the muscles, which then take in fresh blood and release toxins. It stimulates circulation to all areas of the body. It also prompts a release of chemicals from your brain, waking you up. Once you are out of the shower, the increased circulation of oxygen in your body should give you a sense of calm and well-being.
The health benefits of a cold shower therapy
The health benefits of a cold shower therapy

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Cold Shower Stimulates Testicles So That They Produce More Sperm

There is good news for men who want to pursue the cold shower treatment – cold showers may actually help if you are a male trying to father a child. This is because acold shower stimulates the testicles so that they produce more sperm. Of course, if you are not looking to become a father, further precautions should be taken during sex to impede your healthy sperm.
Cold Shower Stimulates Testicles So That They Produce More Sperm
Cold Shower Stimulates Testicles So That They Produce More Sperm
How to do the therapy :
Cold Water Massage Therapy is the one of the healthiest and inexpensive of therapies. Simply massage the body with almond oil before taking a shower. Shower in cold water until your body temperature rises and no longer feels cold, but toasty and warm. Make sure the bathroom is heated. Never get out of a cold shower into a cold room.
Why should you worry about having good circulation? Well, it prevents such problems as hypertension, hardening of the arteries, and the appearance of varicose veins. Good circulation improves the performance of your system and thus help looking and feeling better.
There are plenty of mental benefits to ending your shower with cold water. The ancient samurai warriors used to pour buckets of cold river water on their heads every morning in a Shinto practice called Misogi. This was a purification ritual on a spiritual level. They believe that it cleansed their spirit and helped start a new day & new adventure fresh.Cold water obviously helps waking you up, which is what you want in the morning. Also, it energizes you and invigorates your entire being with the essence of life. Give it a try, you will definitely feel more alive! It can also lift you up if you are feeling a little down or unmotivated.
I know this is something that can be very difficult for many people to do. The key is to not torture yourself. Go about it gradually. Start with a level of cold you can deal with, and slowly make it colder after each shower. As long as you get your feet wet (no pun intended!), and begin adding this routine at the end of your showers, you will be on your way to making a habit out of it and enjoy the benefits that this practice can bring you.
Cold shower Increases testosterone hormone
Study by the Thrombosis Research Institute cited above showed that cold water showers actually increase testosterone production in men. Increased testosterone levels not only boost a man’s libido, but also his overall strength and energy level. If you’re looking to increase your testosterone, instead of juicing up like Mark McGwire, hop into a cold shower.
Increases fertility. Trying to become a dad? Cold showers are good for your little swimmers. Your testes aren’t meant to get too hot; that’s why they hang outside your body. Sperm counts decrease when the temperature of a man’s testes increases. Experiments done in the 1950s showed that hot baths were an effective contraceptive. Men who took a 30 minute hot bath every other day for 3 weeks were infertile for the next six months.
More recently, the University of California at San Francisco did a study with men who were exposed to 30 minutes of “wet heat” (hot baths and such) a week. When the men cut this exposure out, their sperm count went up by 491%, and their sperm’s motilityimproved as well. While switching from a hot to cold shower may not have as dramatic an effect, if you’re trying to create some progeny, it surely won’t hurt.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Developing Healthy Eating Habits Amongs Children

Developing healthy eating habits in kids should start as soon as they are able to eat solids. It is quite natural for any child to dislike new kind of food right away. Thehealthier they are taught to eat from the beginning will help them to lead a healthier lifestyle for years to come. It may take 10 or more tries getting a child to accept a new food. By teaching your children healthy eating habits, you can keep them at a healthy weight.
Developing healthy eating habits for childrenDeveloping healthy eating habits for children
One of the most important approaches to eating is cutting down on fat intake. Consuming the wrong kinds of food is an understandably common problem because of the fact that most of us lead very hectic and fast paced lifestyles. Of course children are always going to be around junk food and it is alright to allow some here and there, but not to often.
Simple ways to accomplish this include eating low-fat or nonfat dairy products, poultry without skin, lean meats, and low-fat or fat-free breads and cereals. One of the best ways to teach your children healthy eating habits is to lead by example. Encourage your children to eat their vegetables by eating them yourself. It will encourage your child to follow your footsteps since you are their first teacher.
  • Encourage your children to eat slowly. A child can detect hunger and fullness better when eating slowly. Eat your meals together as a family. Make it a routine in your home to eat dinner together every night.
  • Avoid restricting sweets or desserts. Fat, salt, sugar have a moderate place in our diet. Don’t curb them completely. Just teach your child to take small portions of it.
  • Encourage your children to choose water as their beverage. Just teach your child to take small portions of it. Over consumption of sweetened drinks and sodas has been linked to increased rates of obesity in children.
  • With so many children overweight and others with eating disorders it is so important to instill in your children the healthiest eating habits to help with their self esteem. Studies have shown that obesity is an increasingly big problem all over the world and the fact that the next generations are also heavily impacted.
Involve your children in food shopping and preparing meals
Involve your children in food shopping and preparing meals
  • Involve your children in food shopping and preparing meals. Activities like this are fun time for children. These activities will give you hints about your children’s food preferences, an opportunity to teach your children about nutrition. Both, parents and children learn about each other’s food preferences and enjoy the time spent together. In addition, children may be more willing to eat or try foods that they help prepare.
Try not to use food to punish or reward your children. When foods, such as sweets, are used as a reward, children may assume that these foods are better or more valuable than other foods. For example, telling children that they will get dessert if they eat all of their vegetables sends the wrong message about vegetables.

Sunday, 15 August 2010

How To Measure Baby Intelligence

Can Intelligence Detected Early? Babies were once thought to enter the world with minds that were blank slates that developed through a lifetime of experiences. In the first few months of life, a baby’s brain develops at an amazing rate. Modern brain imaging techniques have confirmed that children’s intelligence is not just hereditary but is also affected greatly by environment.
How To Measure Baby IntelligenceHow To Measure Baby Intelligence
Certainly it is not the realm of intelligence in infants with toddlers and intelligence domains. Certainly intelligence of infants is not the same with of with intelligence of toddlers. At six months, infants begin to remember familiar objects, react to unfamiliar people or situations, and realize that objects are permanent. At seven months, babies can recognize their own name. Parents can help their infants develop their intelligence by talking and reading to them, playing with them.
In intelligence of infants realm is still in the stage of the development of motor and language abilities. By understanding the normal developmental status in infants and toddlers, parents can detect and measure the extent to which the development of his or her own abilities. When children are able to show the ability that exceeds his age, it can be said that he has a good learning capacity or smart.
  • Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI
According to Brainy Child, Wechsler Intelligence Scale can measure the intelligence of children. Wechsler tests may be given to children aged six months and above. This test can be done without reading or writing. Many creative and gifted children don’t score especially high on the tests because certain intelligences do not test well on standardized IQ examinations.
These tests also help diagnose and treat children under five with developmental disabilities and mental retardation. The Wechsler intelligence scales are divided into two sections: verbal and nonverbal, with separate scores for each. Verbal intelligence, the component most often associated with academic success, implies the ability to think in abstract terms using either words or mathematical symbols.
 Can Intelligence  children Detected EarlyIdentifying a Gifted or Talented Child
Performance intelligence suggests the ability to perceive relationships and fit separate parts together logically into a whole. The inclusion of the performance section in the Wechsler scales is especially helpful in assessing the cognitive ability of children with speech and language disorders. Many health practitioners use it to diagnosehyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities.
  • Fisher-Price IQ Test
The Fisher-Price toy company developed an intelligence test for babies, the Daily Telegraph newspaper in London reported in 2004. Dorothy Einon, Fisher-Price commissioner who is also a professor of psychology at the University of London and author of child development books, developed this test for infants aged 6 months to 1 year old.
In this test, 10 questions are for parents, which can help determine how the baby’s intellectual development than the average intelligence of babies. In the test, parents were asked to assess behaviors such as how their child played with a teddy bear, whether she could play patty-cake and how she responded to her name.
  • Bayley Scales o Infant Development (BSID)
The Bayley scales of infant development are probably the best known and most widely used of all infant development tests. According to Healthline, BSID is used for children from ages one month to 42 months to measure cognitive, motor (smooth and rough), language (receptive and expressive) ability and development of toddler’s behavior. Because these tests were designed to be used with the very young, their nonverbal test items were chosen for their ability to measure specific developmental milestones.
The cognitive part of the test evaluates abilities such as sensory acuities, memory learning and problem solving, vocalization and mathematical concept formation. The test helps with the diagnosis and treatment of young children with developmental disabilities or delays.
For example, the Bayley mental scale includes such things as looking for a hidden object and naming pictures, whereas the motor scale includes such items as grasping ability and jumping skills in a third part of the test, the examiner observes the child’s behavior, making notes about such things as sociability and displays of fear.

Saturday, 10 July 2010

The Signs And Symptoms Of Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism or low thyroid, is a condition due to insufficient thyroid hormone production of the thyroid gland, which affects 3% of the populace. Hypothyroidism can result from iodine insufficiency. These glands are found in front of the neck just below the vocal cords. Because thyroid hormones regulate many systems of the human body, the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism vary widely, depending on the severity of the hormone deficiency.
Signs And Symptoms Of Hypothyroidism
Face of an adult female exhibiting the symptoms of hypothyroidism
Thyroid hormone produces important hormones that help control metabolism and energy used by the body. This energy is used to move the entire system of the body such as the digestive process, the work of the body, the brain’s thinking process, and others. At first, you may barely notice the symptoms of hypothyroidism. But as yourmetabolism continues to slow, you may develop more obvious signs and symptoms
When body does not produce enough thyroid hormone, metabolism slows down and the work of various body systems, including the brain  is disturbed. Unfortunately, thesymptoms of hypothyroidism is often unconscious. As a result, for example is it can cause mental retardation.
Recognize early symptoms of hypothyroidism
  • Poor muscle tone (muscle hypotonia)
  • Fatigue
  • Cold intolerance, increased sensitivity to cold
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Muscle cramps and joint pain
  • Goiter
  • Thin, brittle fingernails
  • Coarse hair
  • Paleness
  • Decreased sweating
  • Dry, itchy skin
  • Weight gain and water retention
  • Bradycardia (low heart rate – fewer than sixty beats per minute)
Recognize late symptoms of hypothyroidism (more severe thyroid hormone deficiency):
  • Slow speech and a hoarse, breaking voice; also deepening of the voice
  • Dry puffy skin, especially on the face
  • Thinning of the outer third of the eyebrows (sign of Hertoghe)
  • Abnormal menstrual cycles
  • Low basal body temperature
You don’t have to encounter every one of these symptoms to be diagnosed with hypothyroidism. In fact, a person may have mild hypothyroidism but have absolutely none of the signs and symptoms at all! Every patient’s experience with the disorder is different. While you may notice that your skin and hair have become dry and rough, another patient may be plagued more by fatigue and depression.
The symptoms of hypothyroidism aren’t always noticeable, but it’s important that you understand what to look out for. Recognizing hypothyroidism early on will allow you to manage the disorder and prevent it from interfering with your life. The only way to know for sure whether you have hypothyroidism is to have your doctor perform a blood test.
Your doctor will review this and provide you with a comprehensive physical examination and medical history to determine whether you have evidence of an underfunctioning thyroid. If this is true, the good news is this condition is easily treated!

Monday, 14 June 2010

Having Sex at Hot Weather Is Dangerous for Your Heart

It is better not to have sex in a hot day, especially if the weather outside is around 35 degrees celsius. Sexual intercourse in a very hot day can harm heart health. This information is primarily intended for people who suffer from angina (wind sitting) and hypertension or having a heart attack or stroke.
sexual intercourse in hot weather is dangeroussexual intercourse in hot weather is dangerous for heart
One of the biggest dangers of a heat wave is the increased risk of dehydration. This is the loss of water from the body, and with it important blood salts like potassium and sodium which play a vital role in the function of organs such as the kidneys, brain and heart. Hot weather is known to be very dangerous for small children, pregnant women and people with heart trouble conditions. Doctors strongly recommend to avoid sexual relations during hot weather or high temperature rooms.
Our bodies are programmed to maintain a temperature of about 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit for optimum performance. If the body’s temperature rises even a couple of degrees, it tries to cool itself down, mostly through perspiration and dilation of the blood vessels. The evaporating sweat cools the body and as a result of the larger blood vessel size, the heart beats faster and the blood pressure decreases.
Sex can trigger sharp fluctuations in blood pressure, especially for people who suffer from angina (a sudden heart attack with pain in the chest while doing activities). “That increased heart rate and lower blood pressure can cause problems for those with heart disease,” explained Trupp. “It might reach dangerous, even deadly, levels. As a rule, those with heart disease are sensitive to extremes in temperatures due to the challenges placed on the heart.”
Men are more susceptible to the effects of sexual relations during hot weather. Hot temperature meant is a temperature above 95 degrees Fahrenheit, equivalent to 35 degrees celsius. Men over the age of 40 years old is recommended to do sexual intercourse in the evening or night, when the sun is not to hot.
Be aware that if men take some erection boosting medication, like Viagra, for more confidence, their blood starts circulating faster. This can make your hear “explode”. For those with heart failure, whose hearts may not be able to pump any harder to keep the body sufficiently cool and blood pressure high enough. As a result, the body can be become dangerously over-heated, and the result can be fatal.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Can Sugar In Soda Cause Tooth Decay

The sugar in soda is a major cause of tooth decay. People who drink 3 or more sugary sodas daily have 62% more tooth decay, fillings and tooth loss than people who dont. It’s not just sugar that’s bad for teeth, but the acids included in many popular drinks are said to “eat” away enamel and make teeth more prone to. Regular sodas can contain the equivalent of nine to 12 teaspoons of sugar per can. Get an extra large drink, and the amount of sugar is supersized.
sodas cause tooth decay
sodas cause tooth decay
While many people find the sweet taste of soda enjoyable, the bacteria in the mouth consider all that sugar an delicious buffet. The sugar interacts with the bacteria, producing acid which can cause dental erosion and weaken gums. But its indirect. Sugar itself does not harm tooth enamel. But sugar, in any food, feeds bacteria that live in your mouth. These bacteria multiply rapidly and they then secrete acids that dissolve tooth enamel. Good dental hygiene will kill most of the bacteria. Just cutting out sugar in sodas will not stop tooth decay as natural sugars are found in most foods.
The average American drinks more than 53 gallons of carbonated soft drinks each year, more than any other beverage, including milk, beer, coffee or water. Diet sodas are part of the problem. Women especially like to drink them throughout the day and between meals because they have no calories,  yet the higher frequency and volume is putting their teeth at risk. Pop  is sweetened, acidic, often caffeinated carbonated drink.
There is regular pop that is sweetened with different kinds of sweeteners and diet pop that is sweetened with artificial sweeteners.  45 gallons of pop is consumed per person/per year by the average American. Even adults are just as prone to decay even though they have fairly good enamel and well-calcified enamel.
The other reason that tooth decay is caused by soda is the acidity. it is so acidic it can literally eat away at your teeth. Automotive mechanics might reach for phosphoric acid to clean battery terminals, but they wouldn’t want to drink it.  Sodas also contain carbonic or phosphoric acid which, over time, can dissolve the calcium out of a tooth’s enamel. Without the protection of the enamel layer, the soft tissue underneath is open to bacteria leading to cavities and tooth destruction. Over time, the acid can also weaken gums and jawbones.
sodas erode tooth enamelsugar sodas erode tooth enamel
How to protect your teeth from sodas :
  • When drinking sodas, don’t sip them slowly. The longer the soda stays in the mouth, the more time the acid has to erode tooth enamel. This is one time when drinking fast is actually a healthy decision.
  • Rinse your mouth with water after consuming pop. It is important to do this prior to brushing your teeth after you just drank a pop. Rinsing first will help to neutralize the acids. Brushing in a high acid environment will erode tooth enamel.
  • Substitute other drinks for some sodas. A glass of cold water is nice. Or drink some herbal tea. But stay away from too many fruit juices or fruit drinks as they often contain a lot of sugar.
  • Also, resolve to quench your thirst with water.
  • If you drink pop alone or between meals, chew sugarless gum afterward to increase your saliva flow.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Modern Acne Medicine

1. Topical (medicine used on the skin).  Acne lotions may reduce the oil,  kill bacteria and accelerate the exfoliation of dead skin cells. Which is generally sold free lotion containing benzoyl peroxide, sulful, resorcinol, salicylic acid or lactic acid as its active ingredient. This product can be helpful for mild acne.
best modern woman acne treatmentIf the acne does not respond to this treatment, your doctor can provide a stronger lotion. Tretinoin and adapalene are examples of topical prescription drug that is a derivative of vitamin A. Work by speeding exfoliation of cells and prevent blockage of the follicle. Topical antibiotics needed to kill the excess skin bacteria. Combination therapy is sometimes necessary to obtain optimal results.2. Antibiotics.  For moderate to severe acne, oral antibiotics are needed to remove bacteria and inflammation. Antibiotics may be needed within months, or by combination with topical products.
3. Isotretinoin.  For deep cysts, antibiotics are not enough. Isotretinoin is a medication that is strong enough to cysts or acne that does not respond to other treatments. This medicine is used for those pesky pimples. Very effective, but required supervision dermatological side effects.
top modern men acne treament4. Oral contraceptives.  Including combined oral contraceptive norgestimate and estradiol etinil, show improvement of acne in women. Oral contraceptives may cause side effects, so its use should be under the supervision of a physician.
5. Laser Acne.  Laser can reach the deeper parts of the skin without damaging the skin surface. Lasers can damage the oil glands and cause the oil produced less. Terai is also able to improve texture and reduce acne scars, so the front of a good therapy for acne and acne scars.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Prevent And Cure Acne

Acne that often come attached to our face is annoying. Acne is often approached the grown-puberty, age 13-18 years. Age was marked by numerous changes in the physical and psychological, as well as active. Along with that, the oil glands were also productive. Well, so much oil glands, become a pimple.
We feel insecure and uncomfortable in everyday interactions. The cause of acne is not known with certainty. Suspected hereditary factors (heredity) play a role, but there are also a variety of factors other than hereditary alleged role in acne, among others:
how to prevent acne and cure pimples1. Hormonal activity, the condition of the menstrual cycle, puberty
2. Inflammation
3. Emotional stress
4. Hyperactive oil glands
5. Accumulation of dead skin cells that clog / close the pores
6. Microbial bacteria in the pores
7. The use of anabolic steroids
8. Diet
9. Cosmetics
10. Medication containing lithium, barbiturate, or androgen
11. Exposure to chemicals such as chlorinated dioxins
12. Exposure to halogens such as iodide, chloride, bromide, or fluoride
13. Long-term amphetamine
Simple Tips to Cure and Prevent Acne NaturallyHowever much effort you can do to help cure or at least reduce the growth of acne. The principle of treatment of acne work by reducing oil production, accelerating the turnover of skin cells, eliminating the bacterial infection, reduce inflammation or a combination of a whole.
An exhaustive treatment of acne can be divided into two categories, namely chemical and medically or naturally. Naturally with the use of five medicinal plants namely tomato, starfruit, cucumber, orange juice, and turmeric that can reliably eradicate the stubborn acne.
Keep in mind that acne treatment can not be done instantaneously. New results can be seen in a matter of weeks, so it requires patience in dealing with acne.