Think of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis. Smoking not only increases blood pressure, cholesterol levels and heart rates, but also improve blood glucose levels. To avoid these complications, we should recognize one of the behaviors that can lead to complications of diabetes are smoking.
Smoking is a threat to your health. Smoking, which has been known to cause lung cancer, heart attack and stroke, also increase the risk for type 2 diabetes type. Smokers face an increased risk of 44% for type 2 diabetes compared with nonsmokers, the researchers found the United States and Switzerland.
Why smoking is not healthy?
Smokers have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. Because smoking increases heart rate and blood pressure, heart needs more oxygen. However, make sure harmful substances in cigarettes reduces oxygen uptake in tissue and thus to the heart. In addition, smoking causes narrowing of blood vessels. Clog a blood vessel in the heart or brain, for example with high cholesterol can cause heart attack or stroke. Patients with diabetes who smoke have a level 15 times greater risk of experiencing heart disease.
Smokers have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. Because smoking increases heart rate and blood pressure, heart needs more oxygen. However, make sure harmful substances in cigarettes reduces oxygen uptake in tissue and thus to the heart. In addition, smoking causes narrowing of blood vessels. Clog a blood vessel in the heart or brain, for example with high cholesterol can cause heart attack or stroke. Patients with diabetes who smoke have a level 15 times greater risk of experiencing heart disease.
Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death globally, and has killed no fewer than four million people per year, or approximately 9% mortality worldwide. Tobacco is one of the addictive substances that are still sold freely, without any sales setting. 4000 containing more chemicals, more than 40 other carcinogenic heavy metals like lead and mercury, all these substances are toxic to the body tissues causing chronic diseases. Cigarettes became one of the risk factors for diabetes and diabetic complications.
Diabetes or diabetes emerged because of a condition related to blood sugar (glucose) is high (hyperglycemia). This is because the body can not use glucose properly. Some clinical symptoms associated with diabetes such as occurs polidipsi (much to drink), polifagi (much to eat), and poliuri (more urine).
Smoking and diabetes damages blood vessels
People with diabetes have a greater chance of getting heart disease. This opportunity will increase with smoking. Smoking and diabetes, in principle, had the same damaging effect of blood vessels. For people with diabetes who smoke, the effect of blood vessel damage will be greater and perhaps diseases such as stroke, heart attack will soon emerge. With diabetes because the arteries are thicker and stiff.
People with diabetes have a greater chance of getting heart disease. This opportunity will increase with smoking. Smoking and diabetes, in principle, had the same damaging effect of blood vessels. For people with diabetes who smoke, the effect of blood vessel damage will be greater and perhaps diseases such as stroke, heart attack will soon emerge. With diabetes because the arteries are thicker and stiff.
Even before they become damaged. Smoking speed up this process. Some substances in cigarette smoke that damage the blood vessel walls. In addition, smoking increases blood pressure and ensure that the good HDL cholesterol decreased. If the bad blood vessels, and hold a variety of substances, including cholesterol, easily attached to the wall. This will restrict the blood vessels. Results: The internal organs get less blood and oxygen. This can lead to stroke or heart attack.
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